12 April, 2008

thing 2 of 23

Maybe it's my relative "newness" in comparison to the majority of my co-workers, but having read and watched the Library 2.0 items for this blog post, I realized the advance of technology hasn't really seemed that revolutionary to me, even within the library environment. What has become apparent is that it's going more quickly than I realized. When I was in graduate school we put together a pseudo proposal for an IM reference service, but I didn't expect to find one in use by the following year. What does excite me about the evolving technologies and this 23 Things project is the chances it gives to actually use some of these programs. I've tried things like RSS feeds but never as more than a novelty. I'm hoping that exploring some of these tools and programs will help me gain a stronger foothold as I stumble through the occasional confusion of being a new librarian.

One thing which struck me when watching the video clip was Abram's idea of learning less with action itself and more upon reflection. After hearing that, I realized it could apply to both recent personal and professional experiences. Though I've worked for the Ramsey County system for about a year, my time has been sporadic enough that I still try to view each shift as a learning experience. There is the occasional moment when I feel like I'm brilliant and I made the perfect career choice, but more often than not I feel like a child muddling through the adult world. What I try to do in these situations is feel less like a victim and more like a student. Just as Library 2.0 becomes more prevalent in our profession, so I see myself (hopefully) finding my own niche within it.

28 February, 2008


Roisin Murphy is an Irish musician who made one of my favorite albums of 2007 - Overpowered. Her band Moloko had a US presence, but I highly doubt her solo work will get much attention stateside. (According to WorldCat, however, 1 or 2 libraries do own the CD). To me, her sound is an intoxicating mix of Bjork, Kylie and Goldfrapp. For no real reason beyond a whim to do so, I've decided to post a You Tube clip of the first single from the project, also entitled Overpowered. Enjoy!